SWING Reviews!

Andrew Fix:
This is an excellent game that perfectly captures the feel of the 60s and 70s “spy-fi” genre. It can be used to emulate anything from James Bond (from the serious early and latest movies to the goofiest of the Moore movies from the 70s) to The Prisoner to The Avengers to Austin Powers. It is a worthy successor to Spycraft as the go-to game for action-oriented superspy adventures.The game uses the excellent FATE system and it keeps that “pulpy” feel from earlier FATE games Spirit of the Century and Star Blazer Adventures. It expands some mechanics (organization rules), cleans up some rules (skills and stunts), and introduces some interesting new twists of its own (Swing dice). It also includes lots of examples, including sample characters, vehicles and organizations.

Don’t let the page count intimidate you. The physical book is a nice, tidy, compact digest-sized book. It’s neatly organized and easy to flip through.

Agents of S.W.I.N.G is a good buy for anyone looking for an action spy game or any fans of the FATE system.

Rating: *****

Tim Loud:
This is how you write a FATE or Fudge game. Clear organization, plenty of sample characters. Even an adventure. Although based off Starblazers and Legends of Anglerre, it is light enough to play on its own.

Favorite bits: the characters, everything from Emma Peal-inspred Avengers to The Doctor (circa John Pertwee) to a Moriarty-style Fu Manchu. The only FATE/Fudge game to change the attribute ratings (instead of a character being Average, they are Yawn. Instead of Mediocre, they are Bent; Good is Cool). I also enjoy the silohettes that may be traced for easy character drawings (as on the cover). The tone can range from somewhat ludicrous to serious and cinematic (or seriously cinematic). To use one of the adjectives on their own ladder: Far Out.

Take the strong Mature Audiences Only Warning seriously. I counted at least one f-bomb, but in context it made perfect sense.

One of the best written and easiest games. I went and ordered the paper back. It’s that good.

Rating: *****

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