#RPG – Fifth Fantasy: The Lepuna – a ‘bunny-like’ race for 5e D&D

Download HERE

Lepuna are always moving, their cosy, earthy burrows a hive of raucous activity at every hour of day and night. Music is their constant companion, wine and song not far behind. They throw themselves wholeheartedly into their short lives, without reservation or regret and with an infectious enthusiasm that can exhaust or empower those around them. Life around the lepuna is, at least, never dull.

A complete character suite for player a lepuna. Racial template, subraces, backgrounds,feats, equipment and magical items.

Download HERE

Check out the rest of the Fifth Fantasy line:

Marvel Heroic: The Honey Badger

The  Honey Badger

 [d12], Buddy [D4], Team [D4]

Pretty Badass
Doesn’t Care
Just Craaaazy

Power Sets
Honey Badger: 
Badger-Strength [d10], Fearless [d12], Watch Him Dig [d8], Doesn’t Give a Shit [d12], Claws [d8], Thick Fur [d8].
SFX: Hardcore 1PP allows the Nasty-Ass Honey Badger to keep BOTH an extra effect die and total die from his rolls.

1xp: Eat something nasty.
3xp: Eat something poisonous.
10xp: Eat something inedible.
Doesn’t Give a Shit
1xp: Not give a shit.
3xp: Takes stress.
10xp: Take trauma.


The Honey Badger doesn’t care and neither should you.

Neither hero nor villain The Honey Badger doesn’t give a shit. He just goes after whatever he wants and cuts through whatever is in his way. Many heroes and villains claim to have killed him but in every case he’s just turned out to be having a nap and gets up later on to continue not giving a shit.


If using Honey Badger as a villain, substitute PP for a D6 Doom Dice (or higher).