The day is finally here, long overdue!

The Gor RPG is now on sale, in PDF, while we wait for print proofs.

You can buy the two books that make up the game at RPGNOW/DrivethruRPG.


World of Gor is the encyclopaedia of the game world, but has been written and organised in such a way that the RPG is not necessary to get use from the book. It is intended as a much wider resource for fans of the Gorean Cycle as a whole to inspire and reference while working on fan projects or re-reading the series.

Tales of Gor has basic world information – enough to play with – but is incomplete without the World of Gor book. This contains the rules for making and playing characters for the harsh and exciting life of the Counter Earth.

Our first adventure, The Tower of Art, is also already out, and contains additional supplementary material for the game. Future adventures will work the same way, serving double-duty to provide more game information and rules alongside adventures set on Gor (or even, perhaps Earth or somewhere even more exotic).

If you need a preview before making the jump, you’ll also find a preview document that you can download for free at the same link.

We have a lot of support and material planned for the future and this will, likely be the best supported line of Postmortem Studios products.

210277World of Gor

World of Gor collects the lore of the Gorean cycle of novels by John Norman into one reference volume, intended for use alongside the Tales of Gor roleplaying game. This reference work will also be useful to Gorean roleplayers and fans of all kinds, roleplayers or not as a resource for fan fiction, roleplaying and Gorean activities of all kinds.

Illustrated in striking style by celebrated fetish and comic book artist Michael Manning (main website, Patreon, Tumblr, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Fetlife, Spidergarden) this book is also a visual treat for fans of Gor, giving his unique interpretation to Gor, its creatures and its people.

John Norman’s works by permission of the author and the author’s agents Richard Curtis Associates, Inc. John Norman’s works are published by Open Road Media

Tales of Gor

Tales of Gor brings you into a striking world of science-fantasy roleplaying. Born from the Gorean Cycle (34 books) by John Norman, Tales of Gor brings you to The Counter Earth. A world of contradictions, freedom and slavery, science and fantasy, primitive violence and high technology ripe for adventure.

While two great alien powers vie for control of the solar system their plans play out on two worlds, Earth and Gor. Will you take sides or simply strive to survive in a hostile world of gigantic animals, powerful city states and cunning machinations?

Powered by Open D6, Tales of Gor lets you step into this long-running series of science-fantasy novels and carve your own future on the Counter-Earth.

Illustrated in striking style by celebrated fetish and comic book artist Michael Manning (Spider Garden, Tranceptor) this book is also a visual treat for fans of Gor, giving his unique interpretation to Gor, its creatures and its people.

John Norman’s works by permission of the author and the author’s agents Richard Curtis Associates, Inc. John Norman’s works are published by Open Road Media

Press & Publicitygor_slavegirl_alpha

This is a big project for us and one we really want to succeed. As such I am looking to appear and talk on as many blogs, podcasts, livestreams and youtube shows as possible to talk about the game, the Gorean Cycle and any related issues or topics anyone wants to ask about. If you have such an outlet – no matter how small – please get in touch at grim@postmort.demon.co.uk and we’ll arrange something.

6 responses to “#RPG – The Gor RPG is RELEASED!

  1. Awesome! I look forward to the print product and I’ll try and do a review for you when I get it. Will it only be available via OBS?

    • There’s not really anywhere else that would accept it and i don’t have my own storefront, so… yes. The print version will be available via Lulu and its distro access.

  2. Pingback: Es ist soweit: Tales of Gor, das P&P-Rollenspiel, ist erschienen | Barts Blog

  3. I am offended that you would create a roleplaying game based on these disgusting, oppressive books. So offended, in fact, that tonight I logged into RPGNow and purchased Tales of Gor, World of Gor, AND all the adventures (as well as the Manning art book) just so I could have the pleasure of deleting them from my computer. You see, that is called being proactive, and I will do it again each time you release another Gor product until you start to think twice about it.

  4. Let me say this here. I’m offended that there is an RPG about GOR at ALL.

    Not so much about the context, but the fact of fiction, loved philosophy, and finally lifestyle would be thought to turn it into a game.

    This is Gor a Counter Earth. NOT AGE OF CONAN!

    Which for all intensive purposes I was a beta tester on that game. LOLZ!

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